Digital Response Drill 2.0 – Data Privacy and Misinformation

Parents and staff are concerned that some students are being targeted to receive disturbing political messages and ads on Facebook. How can you help students avoid becoming victims of targeted disinformation?


Read the South China Morning Post article, How Cambridge Analytica Exploited Facebook Users’ Data, and Why It’s a Big Deal.

Discuss the following questions.

What exactly did Cambridge Analytica do?

Why should K-12 educators and students be concerned about data breaches?

How are data used to misinform the public?

What can students at your school do to avoid being misdirected by disinformation?

Create one of the following products:

Memo to staff explaining how they can help students avoid being misdirected by disinformation.

Letter to parents explaining how they can help students avoid being misdirected by disinformation.

Additional Resources

Facebook’s Role in Brexit, TED Talk

Election Splits Over Brexit Revealed in Facebook Groups, BBC News

The Cambridge Analytica Files, The Guardian

Everything You Need to Know about Cambridge Analytica Scandal, CNBC

Facebook Data Privacy Scandal, Tech Republic

The Facebook Scandal Is Not Merely a Privacy Scandal, Media Ethics